Monday, March 17, 2008

We're up and running

Welcome to the Crazy Lady blog site!

The season is off to a good start -- a little chilly yet, but spring is definitely on its way.

Last week Julie, Leane, Vicky, Tamara, Helen and Pam rode the Evans Road loop and then out to the Asotin ballfields for a beautiful ride. Helen showed up on her new Trek. She always wanted a red bike, and now she's got one!

Kathy's on the mend after some leg surgery, and a few flu bugs are still hanging about with some other members. Hopefully we'll have everyone out on the bikes real soon.

I'll be passing around the chance to do the ride write-up. We all deserve a chance to tell our stories!

Keep those Wednesday's clear on the calendar.

1 comment:

crosetti said...

Welcome to the exciting world of bicycle blogging. I'm sure you will enjoy seeing pics and reading one another's contributions.

Just a hint--these are just notes. IF you get worried about your spelling, grammar, and punctuation, you won't blog.

You are best to just write as you would speak, then re-read to make sure someone "who wasn't there" will get it. Besides Pam has reserved moderator rights.
