Friday, March 28, 2008

Five hardy riders showed up for the rather brisk take off on Wed. Leane (she already had 13 miles on her odometer from riding outside!) Julie (she was already warm from her spinning class), Pam, Helen, and a seldom seen soul Tamra E. who had a day off work. Although it was 42 degrees when I left my house it was 51 when I got home. I guess that’s a bit nippy for the guys. Corrie? Lance? Anyway it turned out to be the nicest day of the week.

We had an awesome display of otters in the river playing quite close to the bank. They seemed as curious about us as we were about them. Other then that it was a nice ride up Tammany Creek Rd. Some people head for the rocking chair when they get old, Helen’s just designing a more comfortable bike seat.

1 comment:

crosetti said...

I've been meaning to join you for a ride. Maybe today.